
History of Biblical Interpretation, Volume 1: From the Old Testament to Origen is unavailable, but you can change that!

The interpretation of Scripture determined the development of both early Judaism and the first centuries of the Christian church. This first volume of History of Biblical Interpretation demonstrates how the earliest interpreters of the Bible made the Scriptures come alive for their times. Author Henning Graf Reventlow explores the contexts that influenced early biblical interpretation—Hellenism,...

The Scriptures are for the rabbis “rich” in the meaning of each passage. Each text offers statements that are able to explain other biblical passages. There are also other passages that are “poor.” Their meaning must be sought elsewhere, usually outside of the Torah. An example of the “richness” of a passage is indicated by the Mekilta to Exod 15:3: “The Lord is a man of war.” Rabbi Judah says: See, this is a passage of Scripture rich in meaning that is explained by many texts. It teaches that he
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